Promontory Liquor – Chilliwack Liquor Store
Promontory Liquor
Liquor Store in Chilliwack, BC
201 - 5615 Teskey Way
Chilliwack, BC V2R 0K5
Click Here For Directions
Business Hours
Open 365 Days A Year
9:00am - 11:00pm
Contact Us
[email protected]
🏒 Canucks Contest Alert! 🏒
Get ready, fans! We’re giving you TWO exciting ways to win:
Weekly Ticket Giveaway: Enter for a chance to win 2 tickets to a Canucks home game! Winners will be drawn every week between Liquor Giant group stores!
Liquor Giant Abbotsford
- 32131 Marshall Rd, Abbotsford
Liquor Giant Chilliwack
- 8247 Young Rd, Chilliwack
Promontory Liquor store
- 5615 Teskey Way Suite 201, Chilliwack
Cedar Valley Liquor store
- 8778 Cedar St #103, Mission
Monthly Jersey Raffle: Want to rock the latest Canucks jersey? Enter for your chance to win a Canucks jersey! One lucky winner at each store will be drawn each month!
How to Enter:
Visit us in store and don’t miss out—enter now and show your Canucks pride! 🥳
#MolsonCanadian #Molson #CanucksContest #GoCanucksGo #WinTickets #CanucksJersey
Chilliwack Liquor Delivery
Get It Delivered!
We currently offer delivery service to our customers in Chilliwack. Please contact our liquor delivery partner, Booze Up Chilliwack Delivery, for the quickest service. For your convenience, you can call Booze Up Chilliwack Delivery and place an order for any products you need and have them delivered to your place of residence.
Call or Text: 778-400-2210